Daniel Eb
I write.
Mostly about how good farmers with strong values are leading us through the crises of our time.
I help tell their stories about regenerating the land, building resilient food systems and reconnecting citizens with the source of their food.
Where I see a need, I build projects that accelerate their impact. Projects like Open Farms.
For the purpose-driven agri-organisations working alongside them, I offer brand and marketing support.
I believe food & farming has the power to transform us. In having the courage to change how we grow and value food, we’ll change too.
I work for those people showing us how.
• Brand purpose & identity. What do you stand for and how will you show it?
• Content & digital marketing. Let’s make great content and place it in the right feeds.
• PR. For telling good stories.
• MC, event speaking & podcasting. Creating the space for conversations that matter.
On the tin, it says I’m a comms guy.
But while I’ve practised storytelling in NZ’s leading independent agency and across tech communications in Europe, I learnt my best lessons on the family farm and in the NZ Army.
It still doesn’t fit quite right, but I’m also privileged with the title of ‘scholar’. My 2021 Nuffield farming scholarship report ‘The Home Paddock: A strategy for values-led redesign of our domestic food system’ is my vision for citizen-connected food & farming in Aotearoa New Zealand.
These days, you’ll find me writing for agri & national news media, helping regenerate the family farm in the Kaipara or tending to my urban food forest.